X-rays are a form of ionizing radiation used commonly in medicine and research. Exposure to x-rays can be hazardous to staff working near them, as well as to patients, if they are not used properly. EHS provides x-ray safety training for a variety of x-ray equipment. In addition, EHS surveys all medical and research x-ray equipment annually to ensure that it is operating according to applicable State and federal regulations. EHS also performs evaluations of x-ray use areas to ensure that sufficient shielding is provided to maintain radiation at safe levels.
Contact Information and areas of expertise can be found on the Contact Us page.
- Radiation Safety Guide - Research
- Radiation Safety Guide - Medical
- Raycell Mk2 X-ray Blood Irradiator Safety Guide
- X-ray Safety, General - W011RD
- EHS training required initially and annually for any staff that has received a deep dose of 100mrem or greater during the calendar year.
- Audience: Operators of diagnostic X-ray machines.
- X-ray Safety, Anesthesia Staff - W543RD
- EHS training required initially for any staff that has received a deep dose of 100mrem or greater during the calendar year.
- Audience: UIHC Anesthesia staff who participate in x-ray fluoroscopy procedures. This includes anesthesiologists, CRNAs, residents, etc. present during fluoroscopy.
- X-ray Safety, Fluoroscopy Practitioners - W523RD
- EHS training required initially for Advanced Practice Providers who operate or direct the operation of fluoroscopic equipment.
- Audience: Advanced Practice Providers (physicians, physician assistants and advanced nurse practitioners) who operate or direct the operation of fluoroscopic x-ray equipment.
- X-ray Safety, Fluoroscopy Staff - W495RD
- EHS training required initially for any staff who use fluoroscopy and annually for individuals who received a radiation dose of 100mrem or more during the preceding calendar year.
- Audience: UIHC staff who participate in x-ray fluoroscopy procedures. This includes, nurses, medical technologists, medical assistants, anesthesiologists, etc. present during fluoroscopy.
- X-ray Safety, Limited - W111RD
- EHS training is required initially and annually (for any staff that has received a deep dose of 100 mrem or greater during the previous calendar year).
- Audience: This training is specific to Community Medical Service Clinic staff and certain research users of diagnostic x-rays.
For further training and registration information, go to EHS Safety Training.
- Research X-ray Machine Registration Form - All x-ray machines used in research need to be registered with EHS.
- Shielding Evaluation Request - EHS will perform shielding evaluations related to projects involving new or renovated x-ray rooms and/or new x-ray equipment.
- Dosimeter Guidelines for Radiography and Fluoroscopy
- Dosimeter Guidelines for Staff Using X-Ray Diffraction Equipment
External links
- Iowa Department of Health and Human Services Regulations, Chapter 41 - Regulations related to safe use of x-ray machines can be found in IAC 641, Chapter 41.
- Lead Apron/Lead Glasses Vendors