Principal Functions of Radiation Safety is to:
- Approve individuals as authorized physicians or medical physicists for various uses of radioactive material or radiation producing equipment.
- Provide training
- Evaluate faculty applications for approval to use radioactive materials
- Approve requests to procure radioactive materials
- Provide guidelines and protocols, conduct routine and investigative safety reviews and offer consultation and assistance to users
- Register and inspect radiation-generating devices and review facility shielding plans
- Provide radiological emergency and incident response
- Provide radiation monitoring and bioassay services
- Decommission labs, facilities and equipment prior to return to unrestricted use.
- Maintain the University broad-scope radioactive materials license.
UI Radiation Committees
- Executive Committee
- Hospital Radiation Safety Review Group
- Medical Radiation Protection Committee/Radioactive Drug Research committee
- Basic Science Radiation Protection Committee
Radiological Emergency and Radioactive Spill Response
Emergency situations can arise from the use, storage, or transfer of radioactive material or the misuse of radiation-producing devices such as x-ray units. Incidents may involve the loss of radioactive material, the spread of radioactive contamination, or the accidental exposure of individuals to ionizing radiation. EHS responds promptly to any radiological incident involving radioactive material or radiation-producing device.
Radioactive Materials and Minors
The State of Iowa child labor law states: "No person under eighteen years of age shall be employed or permitted to work with or without compensation at any occupation or business establishment where exposure to radioactive substances and/or ionizing radiation could exceed 10 percent of any of the annual occupational dose limits specified for adult workers." Therefore, it is EHS policy that minors are not permitted to work with sources of ionizing radiation at The University of Iowa. There are limited exceptions to this rule for educational purposes.
Contact information and areas of expertise can be found on the Contact Us page.
- Radioactive Materials Transferred on Campus - Form to transfer radioactive material to another approved user on-campus.
- Iowa Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) - Bureau of Radiological Health
- HHS Notice to Employees - Standards for Protection against Radiation; Notices, Instructions and Reports to Workers; Inspections; Employee Protection