Radiation Safety Committee Organization
The University’s Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) is composed of four interrelated committees that function to provide radiation protection program oversight, review, policy development and radioactive materials use authorization. The four committees comprising the RSC include the Executive Committee, the Hospital Radiation Safety Review Group (HRSRG), the Medical Radiation Protection Committee/Radioactive Drug Research Committee (MRPC/RDRC) and the Basic Science Radiation Protection Committee (BSRPC). The composition and responsibilities of each of the four committees is provided below.
Committee Composition and Responsibilities
Executive Committee
The membership of the Executive Committee is comprised of representatives of The University administration, the EHS, the chair and vice-chair of the Medical Radiation Protection Committee, the Basic Science Radiation Protection Committee and the Hospital Radiation Safety Review Group, and other individuals with special training and knowledge as necessary.
The primary functions of the Executive Committee are to provide oversight and review of the radiation protection program and develop radiation protection policy as necessary. The EHS representative serves to advise the Committee on pertinent regulations and license conditions.
The responsibilities of the Executive Committee are to:
- Advise the Office of the Vice President for Research in the management of an effective radiation protection program;
- Develop University radiation protection policy as necessary;
- Review the institution’s quarterly ALARA report of occupational radiation exposures;
- Review an annual report of the radiation protection program's status for the purpose of evaluating the management control system and provide guidance to the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) regarding program adjustments;
- Review and approve proposals to amend the license prior to submission to the state;
- Review quarterly radiation safety audits of medical and research uses of radioactive materials and radiation-producing equipment;
- Recommend corrective action for deficiencies identified in the radiation safety program;
- Provide technical assistance to the RSO as necessary;
- Delegate authority to the RSO for the enforcement of radiation protection policy; and
- Maintain written records of Executive Committee meetings.
Meeting Frequency. The Executive Committee shall meet as often as necessary to conduct its business, but not less than annually. To establish a quorum and conduct business, one-half of the Committee's membership shall be present, including the EHS representative and the representative of the University's administration. Mail ballot approval is acceptable.
Hospital Radiation Safety Review Group
The membership of the Hospital Radiation Safety Review Group is comprised of representatives of the UIHC’s administration, nursing service, licensed practitioners of the healing arts, other individuals with specialized training and knowledge as necessary, and a representative of EHS.
The primary function of the Hospital Radiation Safety Review Group is to review the hospital’s radiation protection program for the healing arts. The EHS representative serves to advise the Group on pertinent regulations and license conditions.
The responsibilities of the Hospital Radiation Safety Review Group are to:
- Review, on the basis of qualifications and/or training and experience, and approve prior to authorizing any individual to work in the healing arts as an authorized user, nuclear pharmacist, medical physicist, or radiation safety officer;
- Review proposed radioactive material use for healing arts purposes and approve or disapprove on the basis of safety and in accord with applicable regulations and license conditions;
- Provide review of the use of ionizing radiation emitting machines in the healing arts;
- Review UIHC radiation protection programs and recommend changes as necessary;
- Review UIHC quarterly ALARA report of occupational radiation exposures;
- Review incidents involving radiation and/or radioactive materials at the UIHC and recommend corrective action as necessary;
- Make recommendations to the Executive Committee regarding radiation protection policy as necessary;
- Provide technical assistance to the RSO as necessary; and
- Maintain written records of Hospital Radiation Safety Review Group meetings.
Meeting Frequency. The Hospital Radiation Safety Review Group shall meet as often as necessary to conduct its business but not less than once each calendar quarter. To establish a quorum and conduct business, one-half of the Group's membership shall be present, including the EHS representative and the representative of the UIHC's administration. Mail ballot approval is acceptable.
Medical Radiation Protection Committee/Radioactive Drug Research Committee
The membership of the Medical Radiation Protection Committee is comprised of licensed practitioners of the healing arts, other individuals with specialized training and knowledge as necessary, and a representative of EHS.
The primary function of the Medical Radiation Protection Committee (MRPC) is to ascertain that all experimental or research uses of radioactive materials and/or ionizing radiation in or on human beings conform to the currently accepted radiation protection regulations and practices. The Committee also serves as the University’s Radioactive Drug Research Committee (RDRC) under the provisions and requirements of the Food and Drug Administration and 21 CFR Part 361. The EHS representative serves to advise the MRPC and RDRC on pertinent regulations and license conditions.
The responsibilities of the Medical Radiation Protection Committee are to:
- Review applications for all experimental or research uses of radioactive materials and/or ionizing radiation in or on human beings and approve or disapprove on the basis of radiation protection principles, regulatory and license conditions, and acceptable training and experience required for healing arts use;
- Provide feedback to the research teams regarding their applications;
- Review applications for all experimental or research uses of radioactive materials and/or ionizing radiation in or on human beings at temporary locations. Approval or disapproval is made on the basis of radiation protection principles and in accordance with applicable regulations and license conditions;
- Prescribe special conditions for use as necessary;
- Make recommendations to the Executive Committee regarding radiation protection policy as necessary;
- Provide technical assistance to the RSO as necessary; and
- Maintain written records of Committee meetings and mail ballots.
The responsibilities of the Radioactive Drug Research Committee are to:
- Review applications for the research use of radioactive drugs (not otherwise approved by the Food and Drug Administration) in human beings and approve or disapprove on the basis of the provisions and requirements of 21 CFR Part 361.
- Maintain written records of Committee meetings and report to the Food and Drug Administration as required.
Meeting Frequency. The Medical Radiation Protection Committee shall meet as often as necessary to conduct its business, but not less than 4 times per year. A majority of the voting members of the Committee must approve an application prior to human use. Mail ballot approval is acceptable. The Radioactive Drug Research Committee meets as often as necessary to conduct business, but not less than once during each calendar quarter in which RDRC approved research has been authorized or conducted.
Basic Science Radiation Protection Committee
The membership of the Basic Science Radiation Protection Committee is comprised of authorized users from within the University, other individuals with specialized training and knowledge as necessary, and a representative of EHS.
The primary function of the Basic Science Radiation Protection Committee is to ascertain that all non-human use of radioactive materials conforms to the currently accepted radiation protection practices, regulations and license conditions. The EHS representative serves to advise the Committee on pertinent regulations and license conditions.
The responsibilities of the Basic Science Radiation Protection Committee are to:
- Review and approve authorized users for non-human use;
- Review applications for non-human use of radioactive materials and approve or disapprove on the basis of safety and in accord with the applicable regulations and license conditions;
- Provide feedback to the research team regarding their applications;
- Review applications for non-human use of radioactive materials at temporary locations. Approval or disapproval will be made on the basis of safety and in accordance with applicable regulations and license conditions;
- Prescribe minimal educational and experience standards for new users;
- Prescribe special conditions for use as necessary;
- Make recommendations to the Executive Committee regarding radiation protection policy as necessary;
- Provide technical assistance to the RSO, as necessary; and
- Maintain written records of Committee mail ballots and meetings.
Meeting Frequency. The Basic Science Radiation Protection Committee shall meet, as needed, but normally conducts its business of user application review by mail ballot. A majority of the voting members of the Committee must approve a user's application prior to non-human use.
For more information regarding meetings and committee membership, please call or email the Radiation Safety Officer - Gordon Axt (link sends e-mail), 319-335-8503.