Purpose: The purpose of this document is to describe actions taken in response to fires, explosions or unplanned releases of hazardous waste or hazardous waste constituents to air, soil or surface water in compliance with 40 CFR 262 Subpart M.
Description of actions in the event of a fire, explosion, or release of hazardous waste
A hazardous waste incident is managed in the same manner as a hazardous material incident. A variety of University of Iowa (UI) departments play a role in emergency response. Below are links to UI web sites that describe emergency response procedures.
- UI Office of Emergency Management
- UI Policy Manual
- Hazardous Materials Incident
- What to do in an emergency
- UI Critical Incident Plan
- EHS Spill/Emergency Planning
Arrangements made with local emergency responders
Police: The University of Iowa operates its own police force, the UI Department of Public Safety Police Division. The Police Division provides 24/7 law enforcement for the University of Iowa campus (which includes the University of Iowa Research Park at Oakdale). University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics are covered by Hospital Safety & Security.
Fire: The UI Department of Public Safety Fire Safety Division employs a full-time Fire Safety Coordinator. The Fire Safety Coordinator has overall responsibility to ensure all buildings on the UI campus meet the state’s adopted fire code. This is conducted through the coordination of fire inspections with state and local fire officials. The Fire Safety Coordinator also assists departments across the University with formulating building specific fire prevention and response plans. The UI maintains response agreements with the Iowa City Fire Department and the Coralville Fire Department.
Hazmat Response: The UI maintains response agreements with the Iowa City Fire Department and the Coralville Fire Department. The agreement includes response by the Johnson County Hazmat Team.
Hospital: The University of Iowa operates the UI Hospitals & Clinics (UIHC) that includes an Emergency Treatment Center.
Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC): The Chemical Hygiene Officer within the Environmental Health & Safety Office coordinates with the LEPC.
Staffed positions and 24/7 emergency response
The University of Iowa Department of Public Safety is responsible for emergency response on the University of Iowa campus. The largest division is the Police Division, which is made up of 45 state certified police officers who patrol the campus 24 hours a day, seven days a week. UI Department of Public Safety responds when 911 is called on campus.
Facility emergency equipment
Fire Extinguishers and Sprinkler Systems: A variety of UI policies, fire codes, and OSHA regulations require placement of fire extinguishers and sprinkler systems throughout UI facilities. The Department of Facilities Management purchases, inspects and maintains fire extinguishers and AEDs.
Chemical Spill Kits: Labs are required to maintain spill clean-up kits as part of their Chemical Hygiene Plan. Non-lab areas subject to the Spill Preparedness, Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) Plan are required to maintain spill clean-up kits. Other non-lab areas address spill control through their Hazard Communication Program.
Decontamination Equipment: The UIHC Emergency Treatment Center has emergency decontamination facilities to decontaminate patients prior to treatment. Emergency showers and eyewash facilities are installed near hazardous materials storage, when appropriate.
Communication Equipment: Fire alarms and telephone service are installed throughout UI buildings. Equipment is installed and maintained by UI Facilities Management and UI Information Technology Services.
Evacuation procedures
Emergency evacuation procedures and routes assignments are established by individual departments. Building evacuations are signaled by fire alarm.