A comprehensive list of safety training courses offered by EHS is provided below. Courses are organized by the safety section that oversees the regulation and training material. A brief description as well as the intended audience is listed for each course. Information on how to register for a course can be found on the main Safety Training Information page.
Advanced Biological Safety - W005BO
- This course is required initially for individuals working with organisms that would be classified as Risk Group 2 (moderate-risk agents associated with human disease that is rarely serious and for which preventive or therapeutic interventions are often available) or higher.
- Audience: Lab personnel working with organisms that present a higher hazard level to themselves or others, e.g., viral vectors, S. aureus, L. monocytogenes.
Basic Biological Safety - W004BO
- This course is required initially and recommended annually for the indicated audience.
- Audience: All individuals working in a lab space where biological agents are likely to be present.
Biological Safety Cabinets - W520BO
- This course is recommended initially and annually for the indicated audience.
- Audience: Individuals who handle biological agents in a research lab or other work area and use a biological safety cabinet (tissue culture hood) to limit exposure to potentially infectious agents and/or for product protection. The course is also recommended for individuals using a clean bench in order to explain the limitations of the equipment.
BSC Awareness for FM - W530BO
- This course is required initially and recommended annually for the indicated audience. A requirement for annual completion may be set by the individual’s department and/or supervisor.
- Audience: Facilities Management personnel who perform maintenance and/or moving services for laboratory equipment.
Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) for FM, Housing & Dining Employees - W518BO
- This course is required initially and annually for at risk workers. To finish your training requirement, you must also know specific information unique to your own work area. Use the Site-Specific Training checklist located within the course content to review site-specific training items with your supervisor or designated work area trainer.
- Audience: Individuals in Facilities Management and University Housing and Dining at risk for BBP exposure.
Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP), Lab - W003BO
- This course is required initially for at risk workers. To finish your training requirement, you must also know specific information unique to your own work area. Use the Site-Specific Training checklist located within the course content to review site-specific training items with your supervisor or designated work area trainer. Subsequent annual training requirements can be met by completing the BBP-Refresher (W132BO) course, see below.
- Audience: Lab personnel at risk for BBP exposure, e.g., work with human blood, cell lines, tissues or other potentially infectious materials (OPIM), as defined by OSHA.
Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP), Non-Lab - W131BO
- This course is required initially and annually for at risk workers. To finish your training requirement, you must also know specific information unique to your own work area. Use the Site-Specific Training checklist located within the course content to review site-specific training items with your supervisor or designated work area trainer.
- Audience: Non-lab workers at risk for BBP exposure, e.g., staff who may come into contact with human blood (DPS staff, athletic trainers), clean up areas having blood splatter, transport biohazardous waste, etc.
Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP), Refresher - W132BO
- This course is required annually for at risk laboratory workers, after completing BBP for Lab workers, or BBP for CPH initially. May not be used as initial training, refer to Bloodborne Pathogens for Lab Workers.
- Audience: Lab workers or individuals in the College of Public Health at risk for Bloodborne Pathogen exposure.
Dual Use Research of Concern (DURC) - W527BO
- This course is required initially and recommended annually for the indicated audience.
- Audience: Principal Investigators and research staff working with any of the listed agents in the "United States Government Policy for Institutional Oversight of Life Sciences Dual Use Research of Concern” (US Government Policy). Also, any committee member of the Institutional Review Entity.
Recombinant DNA (rDNA) Research, NIH Guidelines - W137BO
- This course is required initially for the indicated audience.
- Audience: All staff (Principal Investigators, research assistants and students) involved in research utilizing recombinant DNA or recombinant organisms.
Research with Nonhuman Primate Material - W547BO
- This course is required initially and recommended annually for the indicated audience.
- Audience: Individuals who work with unfixed nonhuman primate materials (blood, tissues, cells*, body fluids) in their research.
*Note: Well established cell lines, such as Vero cells, do not pose the same risks. Researchers who exclusively use well-established cell lines do not need to take this course.
Shipping with Dry Ice - W052BO
- This course is required initially and every two years, or whenever significant regulatory changes occur. To finish your training requirement, you must also know specific information unique to your own work area. Use the record of Employee Training and Certification form located within the course content to review site-specific training items with your supervisor or designated work area trainer.
- Audience: Individuals shipping with dry ice as the only hazardous material.
Shipping Infectious Substances - W009BO
- This course is required initially and every two years, or with significant regulatory change. To finish your training requirement, you must also know specific information unique to your own work area. Use the record of Employee Training and Certification form located within the course content to review site-specific training items with your supervisor or designated work area trainer.
- Audience: Individuals shipping diagnostic specimens and/or infectious material with or without dry ice.
Stem Cell Research - W481BO
- This course is required initially.
- Audience: Staff (including Principal Investigators) involved in research utilizing human embryonic stem cells.
Toxins, Select Agent Quantity - W006BO
- This course is required initially and recommended annually.
- Audience: Principal investigators and lab personnel working with exempt quantities of select agent toxins, e.g., tetrodotoxin, conotoxin, botulinum toxin, etc.
Antineoplastic Agents Safety - W522CM
- This guidance describes a basic prudent safety practice for handling antineoplastic agents and formulated solutions in research labs.
- The training is recommended for all researchers who handle antineoplastic agents.
Chemical Inventory Program - (eLearning only)
- Classroom or one-on-one training. Call Rachelle Justice at 353-4692.
- EHS generic training offered and recommended initially. Refresher available.
- Audience: Persons who are responsible for the EHS Assist online chemical inventory account in their workplace.
Chemical Fume Hoods - W485CM
- EHS training course is required initially for the indicated audience.
- Audience: Individuals who use a chemical fume hood.
Chemical Storage Safety - W126CM
- EHS training course is recommend initially and annually for the indicated audience.
- Audience: Persons who work with and/or store chemicals in research labs.
Compressed Gas Safety - W018CM
- EHS generic training course is recommended initially and annually for the indicated audience.
- Audience: Person working with or exposed to hazards from compressed gasses.
Controlled Substances in Research - W501CM
- This course is recommended for personnel who use controlled substances in their research.
- Audience: Personnel who use or plan to use controlled substances as part of their research.
Formaldehyde Safety - W470CM
- Required initially for individuals who are or may be exposed to formaldehyde or formaldehyde-containing materials. Required annually for individuals who are exposed to formaldehyde at a concentration of 0.1 ppm or above as determined by exposure monitoring. Contact EHS with questions regarding monitoring.
- Audience: Persons who work with formaldehyde gas, solutions or materials that release formaldehyde (such as paraformaldehyde).
Lab Chemical Safety - W008CM
- EHS generic training course is required initially and recommended annually. To finish your training requirement, you must also know specific information unique to your own work area. Use the Site-Specific Training checklist located within the course content to review site-specific training items with your supervisor or designated work area trainer.
- Audience: Persons who work with chemicals in research labs.
Nanomaterials Research Safety - W491CM
- This course is recommended for individuals working with nanomaterials in the university research laboratories.
- Audience: Personnel working with nanomaterials that present a higher hazard level to them or others, e.g., carbon nanotubes, nanofibers, and metal and metal oxide nanoparticles can diffuse through the respiratory system and can potentially translocate to different parts of the body.
PPE Awareness for Labs - W157CM
- EHS generic training course is required initially and recommended annually. To finish your training requirement, you must also know specific information unique to your own work area.
- Audience: Personnel using gloves, goggles, safety glasses and other protective apparel.
Spill Preparedness Response - W142CM
- EHS training course is recommended initially and annually for the indicated audience.
- Audience: Persons who use hazardous materials (chemicals, radioactive materials, biological materials) in their workplace.
Lab Management General Awareness - W551CM
- General overview of University of Iowa policies and procedures and regulatory requirements applicable to research laboratories. Recommended initially for the indicated audience.
- Audience: New Principal Investigators and Laboratory Managers; any research staff desiring an overview of policies and procedures.
Lab Safety General Awareness - W548CM
- Required initially for individuals who work in a lab setting but do not handle any chemical, biological, radiological or other material hazards.
- Audience: Persons who work in research labs but do not handle any material hazards.
Occupational Safety
Aerial and Scissor Lifts - W516OS
- This course is required initially and recommended annually.
- Audience: Individuals who will operate aerial or scissor lifts.
Asbestos Awareness - W508OS
- This course is required initially and annually for employees that work in locations where asbestos containing materials are present but the employees are not specifically authorized to disturb the materials. Typical occupational groups include housekeeping, custodians, and personnel.
- This course is required one time for University department managers that supervise areas with asbestos containing materials.
Beryllium Safety Training - W536OS
- This course is required initially and annually. It provides the training required by the OSHA beryllium standard.
- Audience: Individuals that work with beryllium
Confined Space Administrator - W531OS
- This course provides the information for employees serving as the confined space program administrator. This course covers accessing and updating the confined space inventory, performing the yearly review of the program, and the other requirements of the confined space administrator.
- Audience: This is required training for any employee serving as their department's confined space administrator.
Confined Space Evaluators - W521OS
- This course provides basic information fo using the University's confined space evaluation form to determine if a space is a permit required confined space evaluation form to determine if a space is a permit confined space.
- Audience: Required training for University employees that serve as a confined space evaluator for their department.
Confined Space Full Permit - W532OS
- This course provides basic information for University employees that have been assigned a task requiring entry into an OSHA-defined confined space using the University's full permit procedure. In addition to this online course, authorization for entry and site specific training is required from the department.
- Audience: Required annual training for University employees entering confined spaces defined by OSHA as full permit entry to a permit-hazard confined space.
Confined Space Prohibited - W498OS
- This course provides basic information on what makes a confining space on OSHA permit-required confined space and how prohibiting entry to the space is one way to manage these spaces.
- Audience: Required initial training for University employees who have Prohibited Entry spaces in their workplace. Retraining is required by the supervisor if the space changes or if the employee lacks understanding.
Confined Space Reclassifying/Alternate Entry - W497OS
- This course provides basic information for University employees that have been assigned a task requiring entry into an OSHA-defined confined space using the University's "Elimination Entry" or "Elimination with Ventilation Entry" procedure. In addition to this online course, authorization for entry and site specific training is required from the department.
- Audience: Required annual training for University employees entering confined spaces defined by OSHA as reclassified spaces or alternate entry to a permit-hazard confined space.
Electrical Panel Breaker Resetting - W534OS
- This course provides information on the common hazards and safe work practices of performing this process.
- Audience: Anyone who needs to reset an electrical breaker in the course of their work.
Electrical Safety - W517OS
- This course provides awareness level information on the common hazards and safe work practices of working on and around electricity.
- Audience: Anyone who works on or around electricity should complete this course. This course does not certify individuals as qualified electrical workers which would require additional training at your workplace.
Ergonomics, Back Safety - W455OS
- This course provides basic information on lifting techniques and factors involved in back injuries. Recommended initially and annually.
- Audience: Personnel who lift, carry or move materials/boxes in the course of their work.
Ergonomics, Computer Use - W006OS
- This training course presents practical information for individuals who use computer work stations, providing guidelines to help individuals fit the work station to their personal needs. It is recommended initially and annually.
- Audience: Persons working at computer stations.
Fall Protection - W188OS
- This course or equivalent is required annually for work at elevated heights. The course provides basic information on hazards and protective systems used for fall protection. To finish your training requirement, you must also know specific information unique to your own work area. Use the Site-Specific Training checklist located within the course content to review site-specific training items with your supervisor or designated work area trainer.
- Audience: Personnel performing work at elevated heights of 4 feet or more.
Fire Extinguisher - W160OS
- Recommended for all University employees. (This information is also included in the Hands-on Training. Call 335-5125 for training dates and locations.)
Forklifts - W057OS
- This course or equivalent is required initially and every 3 years by anyone that operates a forklift. It is recommended that it be taken annually as a refresher as well. In addition, forklift operators are required to complete a practical forklift performance test to be authorized to operate a forklift. Use the Site-Specific Training checklist located within the course content to review site-specific training items with your supervisor or designated work area trainer.
- Audience: Personnel who operate forklifts (or powered industrial trucks).
Hand Safety - W514OS
- This course describes common hazards and safe work practices of working with tools and basic hand safety.
- Audience: It is recommended one time for employees such as custodians, maintenance personnel, electricians, mechanics, artists, and engineers who frequently wear gloves.
HazCom with GHS - W115OS
- This course is required initially and recommended annually. It provides information about handling hazardous chemicals in the workplace.
- Audience: Personnel using chemicals in areas other than labs.
Hearing Conservation - W190OS
- This course is for employees that are exposed to noise at or above an 8-hour time-weighted average of 85 decibels, and is to be taken annually.
- Audience: Personnel enrolled in workplace hearing conservation programs.
Heat Stress - W552OS
- This course covers the signs, symptoms and treatment of heat-related illnesses and how to prevent them from happening.
- Audience: All employees working for more than 15 minutes in an area (inside or outside) with a heat index above 80°F are required to take this training annually. Supervisors and departmental safety staff are recommended to take this course on a yearly basis.
Hexavalent Chromium Safety - W540OS
- This course provides the training required by the OSHA hexavalent chromium standard. This course is required initially for potentially exposed employees and annually for all employees exposed over the action level for hexavalent chromium.
- Audience: Anyone exposed to hexavalent chromium.
Incident Investigation - W526OS
- This course guides you through what to do when a workplace injury occurs. Its purpose is to demonstrate the importance of incident investigations, clarify the roles and responsibilities of Supervisors/Managers in the investigation process, how to properly perform an incident investigation, and how to identify and recommend corrective action resolutions that may prevent future recurrence of incidents. It is recommended initially and annually.
- Audience: Any Supervisor or Manager who may need to perform an incident investigation for an employee with a work-related injury.
Indoor Cranes - W515OS
- This course is required initially and recommended annually.
- Audience: Anyone operating an indoor crane.
Job Safety Analysis - W537OS
- This course should be taken annually by anyone who creates a Job Safety Analysis for their workplace.
- Audience: Individuals who create Job Safety Analyses.
Ladders - W040OS
- A basic information course on hazards and safe use of ladders. Recommended initially and annually.
- Audience: Personnel using ladders.
Lead Safety Awareness - W020OS
- Generic course required initially and recommended annually.
- Audience: Individuals who work where they may be exposed to lead or lead dust.
Lockout/Tagout Safety - W064OS
- This course or equivalent is required initially and recommended annually for anyone who performs Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) or is affected by the LOTO process. To finish your training requirement, you must also know specific information about your own work area. Use the Site-Specific Training checklist located within the course content to review site-specific training items with your supervisor or designated work area trainer. Retraining is required if a change occurs in job assignment, procedures, machines, or equipment, or if a process presents a new hazard.
- Audience: Individuals who perform or supervise LOTO, and individuals whose work is affected by LOTO.
Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) Procedure - W545OS
- This course should be taken prior to writing your first procedure, and any time after that when you need a refresher. It provides instruction in how to create written equipment specific Lockout/Tagout Procedures.
- Audience: Anyone involved in creating equipment specific Lockout Tagout (LOTO) Procedures.
Machine Guarding - W051OS
- This course required initially and recommended annually. To finish your training requirement, you must also know specific information unique to your own work area. Use the Site-Specific Training checklist located within the course content to review site-specific training items with your supervisor or designated work area trainer.
- Audience: Individuals working with stationary machines.
Methylene Chloride Safety - W538OS
- This course is required initially for all people potentially exposed to methylene chloride and covers the items required by the EPA and OSHA regulations. Use the Site-Specific Training checklist located within the course content to review site-specific training items with your supervisor or designated work area trainer.
- Audience: Persons who may be exposed to methylene chloride.
Methylene Chloride Safety Refresher - COMING SOON
- This course is required annually, after completing Methylene Chloride Safety, for all people potentially exposed to methylene chloride and covers the items required by the EPA and OSHA regulations. May not be used as initial training.
- Audience: Persons who may be exposed to methylene chloride.
Methylene Chloride Storage - W554OS
- This course is required annually for all areas that are ONLY storing methylene chloride (no active use).
- Audience: Only the individual responsible for the area is required to take this course; this would be the Principal Investigator (PI) for laboratories and the manager/supervisor for work areas. It is recommended that others in the area also complete this course.
Office Safety - W143OS
- This course is recommended initially and annually for all UI staff in administrative areas.
- Audience: Individuals working in offices or other administrative type settings.
PPE Awareness for Non-Labs - W156OS
- This course is required initially and recommended annually for individuals who use personal protective equipment (PPE). Workers should be retrained if an accident occurs, or if the employee is observed using PPE improperly, if workplace hazards involving PPE are discovered, or if a different type of PPE is used. Some PPE requires a separate course, such as hearing protection and respirators.
- Audience: Anyone required to wear PPE in the course of their job.
Performing A Quantitative Fit Test - W541OS
- This course is recommended for anyone performing fit test.
- The training covers the basics of performing a fit test with bitrix and saccharine solution.
Respirator: Required Use - W553OS
- EHS Respirator Training course or equivalent is required initially and annually.
- Audience: University employees required to wear a respirator for protection from overexposure to an air contaminant at work.
Respirator: Voluntary Use - W050OS
- EHS training course is required initially and recommended annually.
- Audience: Individuals who “voluntarily” (with permission of their departments) wear masks or respirators when not required by OSHA regulations.
Respirable Crystalline Silica - W535OS
- This course is required initially and annually for all employees exposed to silica at or above the action level. It is recommend initially for any employee working with silica.
- Audience: Employees working with silica and silica containing products.
Safety Leadership - W519OS
- This course is a thought-provoking guide on how every person can take initiative to be a leader and take responsibility to make sure accidents do not happen so we can have a zero accident workplace. The focus is on qualities of a leader, trust, and building the expectation of zero accidents in job performance.
- Audience: All employees. Recommended initially and every three years.
Tool Safety - W154OS
- This course provides awareness information on hazards of different types of tools and precautions for using them safely. Each department also has procedures and training specific to the operations in the employee's workplace. Use the Site-Specific Training checklist located within the course content to review site-specific training items with your supervisor or designated work area trainer.
- Audience: Required initially and recommended annually for individuals working in any location where hand tools and portable power tools that require guarding are used on the job.
Walking and Working Surfaces - W192OS
- Course on hazards of working surfaces such as floors, walkways, stairs and ramps, and preventive measures for slips, trips and falls.
- Audience: Recommended for employees in all departments. Required in operations departments.
Welding and Cutting - W193OS
- This course is on welding and cutting hazards and controls. It is required initially and recommended annually. To finish your training requirement, you must also know specific information unique to your own work area. Use the Site-Specific Training checklist located within the course content to review site-specific training items with your supervisor or designated work area trainer.
- Audience: Employees operating welding and cutting equipment.
Annual Radiation Safety Refresher
- EHS training course required annually after completing Radiation Safety, Basic. May not be used as initial training course, see Radiation Safety, Basic.
- Audience: Users of radioactive materials in non-human research.
APP Radiation Refresher for Fluoroscopy - W539RD
- This course serves as the required annual refresher training for ARNP's who supervise fluoroscopy procedures and have completed the initial "X-ray Safety, Fluoroscopy Practitioners" (W523RD) course.
Analytical X-ray Equipment - W025RD
- EHS training course required initially and recommended annually.
- Audience: Operators of analytical X-ray units.
Basic Radiation Safety
- EHS training course required initially.
- Audience: Users of radioactive materials in non-human research
Bone Densitometer Operator - W034RD
- EHS training required initially and recommended annually. Operator training also required prior to an individual using DEXA units.
- Audience: Personnel operating DEXA units.
Electron Capture Detector - W024RD
- EHS training course required initially and annually.
- Audience: Individuals using gas chromatographs equipped with ECDs.
Laser Safety, Research - W028RD
- EHS training course required initially and every 2 years for users of Class 3b and 4 lasers. Operator training may be required prior to operating research or lab-built lasers.
- Audience: Researchers who use Class 3b or 4 lasers.
Laser Safety, UIHC - W036RD
- Training course required initially and recommended annually for users of Class 3b and 4 lasers. Operator training may be required prior to operating medical lasers.
- Audience: UIHC personnel who use Class 3b or 4 lasers.
Nuclear Medicine Staff - W038RD
- EHS training course required initially and annually.
- Audience: Individuals working in Nuclear Medicine and other medical staff who provide patient care.
P.E.T. Imaging Staff - W022RD
- EHS training course required initially and annually.
- Audience: Individuals working in the PET facility.
Radiation Awareness for Labs - W528RD
- EHS training course required initially for non-radiation workers in a radiation lab.
- Audience: Individuals who are not approved radiation users but work in or near a radiation use lab.
Radiation Safety, Basic - W002RD
- EHS training course required initially.
- Audience: Users of radioactive materials in non-human research.
Radiation Safety, Refresher - W001RD
- EHS training course required annually after completing Radiation Safety, Basic. May not be used as initial training course, see Radiation Safety, Basic.
- Audience: Users of radioactive materials in non-human research.
Rad Safety CS Staff - W125RD
- EHS training course required initially and recommended annually.
- Audience: Central Sterilizing and O.R. Sterilizing Staff who may receive radioactive material for sterilization.
Rad Safety CRU Staff - W046RD
- EHS training course required initially and annually.
- Audience: Persons caring for Brachytherapy or radiopharmaceutical therapy patients.
Radioactive Materials Shipping - W035RD
- EHS training course required initially and every two years or whenever changes occur in the regulations.
- Audience: Individuals who are involved in the shipping radioactive materials.
Radiation Oncology Staff - W013RD
- EHS training course required initially and annually.
- Audience: Technical staff in Radiation Oncology.
Radiation Safety for FM Staff - W014RD
- EHS training course recommended initially and annually.
- Audience: Facilities Management staff entering radioactive materials and radiation areas.
Rad Safety 3JCP Staff - W012RD
- EHS training course required initially and annually.
- Audience: Persons caring for Brachytherapy or radiopharmaceutical therapy patients on 3JCP.
Rad Material Patient Safety - Basic - W444RD
- EHS training course required initially and annually and covers the basic radiation safety precautions and procedures to follow when providing in-patient care for prostate and eye plaque brachytherapy patients.
- Audience: Nursing and ancillary staff assigned to 3RCP, 2RCP & 7JPP who are involved in care of prostate or eye plaque brachytherapy patients or Y-90 microsphere patients.
Rad Safety I-131 MIBG - W529RD
- EHS training course required initially and annually and covers the basic radiation safety precautions and procedures to follow when providing in-patient care for I-131 MIBG radiopharmaceutical patients.
- Audience: Nursing and ancillary staff assigned to care for pediatric I-131 MIBG radiopharmaceutical patients.
SAIC Radiation Safety - W434RD
- EHS training course required initially and annually.
- Audience: Small Animal Imaging Core staff that work with radioactive material.
Sealed Source Radiation Staff - Intermediate & Advanced Physics Labs - W023RD
- EHS training course required initially and annually.
- Audience: Van Allen Hall sealed sources users.
UIHC Radiation Awareness - W198RD
- EHS training course recommended initially and annually for the audience listed below.
- Audience: UIHC Housekeeping and other staff who do not work with x-ray machines or radioactive material, but encounter these radiation use areas in their normal duties.
UIHC Safety & Security - W016RD
- EHS training course recommended initially and annually for the audience listed below.
- Audience: Hospital Safety and Security Staff
X-ray Safety, General - W011RD
- EHS training required initially and annually for any staff that has received a deep dose of 100mrem or greater during the calendar year.
- Audience: Operators of diagnostic X-ray machines.
X-ray Safety, Anesthesia Staff - W543RD
- EHS training required initially for any staff that has received a deep dose of 100mrem or greater during the calendar year.
- Audience: UIHC Anesthesia staff who participate in x-ray fluoroscopy procedures. This includes anesthesiologists, CRNAs, residents, etc. present during fluoroscopy.
X-ray Safety, Fluoroscopy Practitioners - W523RD
- EHS training required initially for Advanced Practice Providers who operate or direct the operation of fluoroscopic equipment.
- Audience: Advanced Practice Providers (physicians, physician assistants and advanced nurse practitioners) who operate or direct the operation of fluoroscopic x-ray equipment.
X-ray Safety, Fluoroscopy Staff - W495RD
- EHS training required initially for any staff who use fluoroscopy and annually for individuals who received a radiation dose of 100mrem or more during the preceding calendar year.
- Audience: UIHC staff who participate in x-ray fluoroscopy procedures. This includes, nurses, medical technologists, medical assistants, anesthesiologists, etc. present during fluoroscopy.
X-ray Safety, Limited - W111RD
- EHS training is required initially and annually (for any staff that has received a deep dose of 100 mrem or greater during the previous calendar year).
- Audience: This training is specific to Community Medical Service Clinic staff and certain research users of diagnostic x-rays.
Biohazardous Waste Management - W524HZ
- Training is required initially then every three years thereafter. In order to finish your training requirement, you must also know specific information unique to your own work area. Use the Record of Employee Training and Certification for Shipping Biohazardous Waste Tubs found within the training to review site-specific training items with your supervisor or designated work area trainer.
- Audience: All laboratory staff, including undergraduates, and other non-laboratory staff that generate and/or handle biohazardous waste tubs.
Environmental Management Facility (EMF) Safety Orientation - W544HZ
- EHS training required initially.
- Audience: Personnel who have been assigned access to hazardous waste storage areas in EMF.
Hazardous Waste Management for Labs - W07HAZ
- EHS training required initially and annually.
- Audience: Personnel who manage hazardous chemical waste that is generated in lab settings.
Hazardous Waste Management for Non-Labs - W32HAZ
- EHS training required initially and annually.
- Audience: Personnel who manage hazardous chemical waste that is generated in non-lab areas.
Radioactive Waste Management - W086RD
- Recommended as a refresher course after Basic Radiation Safety Training is completed.
- Audience: Persons generating radioactive waste in labs.
Red Tub Management for Non-Biological Labs - W549HZ
- Training is required initially then every three years thereafter. In order to finish your training requirement, you must also know specific information unique to your own work area. Use the Record of Employee Training and Certification found within the training to review site-specific training items with your supervisor or designated work area trainer.
- Audience: Laboratory and non-laboratory staff, including undergraduates, that generate and/or handle red waste tubs in areas that do NOT involve any biological agents (microorganisms, animals, plants, cells/cell lines, tissues, blood, etc.).
SPCC: Oil Spill Prevention - W67HAZ
- Oil spill prevention, control and countermeasures (SPCC) training is required initially and annually by the EPA oil spills prevention and preparedness regulations. To finish your training requirement, you must also know specific information unique to your own work area. Use the Site-Specific Training checklist located within the course content to review site-specific training items with your supervisor or designated work area trainer.
- Audience: All personnel subject to SPCC that use, store and transfer oils, and have an SPCC plan. If you have a 55-gallon or larger sized container or tanks of oil present in your workplace, you may be subject to the SPCC regulations. Your supervisor should know if you have an SPCC plan.
Universal Waste Management - W500HZ
- Training on proper handling of universal waste is required initially.
- Audience: All employees who handle or have responsibility for managing universal waste batteries, lamps or mercury containing equipment must complete this course.
Campus Safety offers in-person American Heart Association’s (AHA) HeartSaver CPR / AED and First Aid courses. Depending on the requestor, the HeartSaver courses can be taught separately or incorporated into 1 course. Individuals can sign up via the training link: https://safety.uiowa.edu/request-training#cpr-bls