The Asbestos Management Program exists to protect employees from exposures to asbestos. This program covers the identification, work on, removal, or repair of asbestos-containing materials that apply to University and UIHC employees and contractors. It also applies to housekeeping and maintenance staff that come in contact with asbestos containing materials, or could discover an accidental release.
Contact information and areas of expertise can be found on the Contact Us page.
- For sampling of asbestos and questions related to asbestos in building projects: FM Environmental Services (319-335-5500).
- For other questions contact: EHS Justin Newnum (link sends e-mail) (link sends e-mail) (319-335-9554)
Before implementing any portion of this safety program or completing the training please contact the EHS Industrial Hygienist to determine which elements are applicable to you.
Asbestos Awareness - W508OS
- This course is required initially and annually for employees that work in locations where asbestos containing materials are present but the employees are not specifically authorized to disturb the materials i.e. housekeeping and custodians.
- This course is required one time for University department managers that supervise areas with asbestos containing materials.
For further training and registration information, go to EHS Safety Training.
External Links
- OSHA Safety and Health Topic: Asbestos
- OSHA Asbestos Fact Sheet
- OSHA Asbestos Standard
- Iowa OSHA Asbestos Abatement Page
- Iowa DNR Asbestos Page
- EPA Asbestos Page