What Should You do if You Find a Mis-Sized or Broken Stericycle Tub Lid?
Occasionally lids left with the red biohazardous waste tubs are incorrectly sized or cracked. In this case the lids should not be used. When lab staff picks up their empty containers, check the lids at that time. Any lids that are too large or cracked or broken can be set off to the side. Tape a note describing the problem to the lids. Stericycle is watching for bad lids and will remove them. Over time the bad lids will be exchanged out of circulation.
Some lids that are the correct size sometimes take some extra effort to get them to snap on, but they should eventually snap on. It often works to apply pressure with the palm of the hand on the edge of the lid lip that goes over the tub handle.
Contact Seth Zickefoose at 335-4391 or email seth-zickefoose@uiow.edu, for further questions.