The University of Iowa

SAFETYmatters - SDS Program Transitions to Chemwatch

The University’s contract with MSDS Online expired at the end of October and the new safety data sheet (SDS) management program has been implemented.  The University’s library of SDSs is now located on Chemwatch Gold FFX; the link is available on the EHS homepage.  All chemical inventory users have been sent the link, a new user guide, and information sheet.  This information is also located on the EHS Safety Data Sheet webpage.

For those who did not previously have access to MSDS Online, we must have your manufacturer information in order to upload the appropriate SDS.  We are continuing to work on your inventories and will contact your lab or area with any issues.  Please remember, your chemicals must be listed in your chemical inventory in order for an SDS to be uploaded into the software program.

EHS is offering a training session via Zoom for the new Chemwatch system on November 11th, 2020 at 2:00PM.  If you would like to attend the session, please follow this link:

If you have questions regarding this transition, please contact John Silka at 335-8031 or Rick Byrum at 335-9379.