The University of Iowa

SAFETYmatters - Potential Delays in Scheduling BSC Services

The university vendor for biosafety cabinet (BSC) maintenance, TSS, has received an influx of service requests due to lab renovations/relocations. Because of this, there has been trouble getting BSCs ready in time for relocation as well as delays in the regular certification scheduling. If you know that you will be in need of their decontamination/certification services for a move, please contact them well ahead of time so they can get you scheduled in a timely manner. If possible, labs should contact TSS 6-8 weeks prior to a planned BSC move to schedule service.

If you have a cabinet that is due for regular annual certification, please be aware that you may experience delays in scheduling or appointment re-scheduling. Please keep in mind that there is a 30-day grace period for certification after the month of expiration, provided you are working with the vendor to schedule service. If you have any questions or concerns about getting your BSC certified in time, please don’t hesitate to contact EHS ( and we will work with you to find a solution.

For scheduling, TSS can be reached at or 913-428-2746. Please provide them with a serial number and location.

Please contact or Sarah Hogren at 319-467-1457 if you have any questions.