The University of Iowa

SAFETYmatters - Laboratory Trash and Recyclables

EHS has partnered with the Office of Sustainability and Custodial Services to create a guide for the disposal of laboratory waste.  A poster from the Office of Sustainability is available to download and post in the lab.

  • Containers that were used with hazardous materials (biological, chemical, or radiological) must be disposed of properly.  Hazardous waste disposal guides are available on the EHS website under Waste/Environmental.  Gloves should always be disposed in the biohazardous waste tubs.
  • Paper, cardboard, and rinsed plastic containers labeled with #1 or #2 can be recycled as long as they were not used with hazardous material. 
  • Unused laboratory plastics that cannot be recycled may be placed in regular trash liners.  When disposing of a significant amount of unused plastics, such as a lab cleanout, please coordinate with EHS and FM Custodial staff.  Trash bags should not exceed 30 pounds.