Article published 08/28/18

Please join the Environmental Health & Safety Office for an informational seminar focusing on safety in the lab. This seminar will be presented by Wendie Dockstader (EHS Biological Safety Specialist) on September 12, 2018 at 10:00-11:00am in 401 BBE (Biology Building East).
Learn about:
- Chemical Safety: SDS, pictograms, storage, labeling inventory, spills, toxic chemicals gasses cryogenics
- Biological Safety: biosafety levels, handling liquid biological agents, bloodborne pathogens, biohazardous waste, biological spills
- General Safety: PPE, using equipment and lab etiquette
- Accident Reporting
This seminar is open to all University faculty, staff and students. If you are unable to attend this date, please join Wendie the first Wednesday of each month at 2:00-3:00pm in 2117 MERF (Urmila Sahai Seminar room). Additional departmental or laboratory seminars can be scheduled, as requested. Contact Wendie Dockstader at or 353-5678.