Portions of sections 9.4 and 9.6 of the Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) have been amended as shown in italic text below. These changes do not necessitate the need for all personnel to review and re-sign the CHP. However, all personnel should be aware of the changes.
9.4 Ventilation Failure Procedures
In the event of a ventilation failure or recurring low flow alarm on the monitor, occupants should contact the FM@YourService (24 hours, 7 days). Occupants should place lids on open containers, lower the fume hood sash, and shut down equipment and secure reactions that may be generating hazardous emissions.
In the event of an intentional or unintentional shut down of the HVAC system affecting the chemical fume hoods and/or other ventilation systems in the lab, all lab work with hazardous materials requiring the use of the hoods/ventilation system must cease. Laboratory personnel should secure experiments or activities that may present an exposure hazard. Volatile and hazardous materials should be returned to areas where they are normally stored.
9.6 Body Showers and Eye Wash Stations
IOSH requires this equipment be provided in work areas where any person’s eyes or body may be exposed to corrosive/caustic materials. The American National Standard Institute (ANSI) Standard Z358.1-2014 “Emergency Eyewash & Shower Equipment” provides the specific requirements. Facilities Management addresses construction and renovation requirements. EHS may also be contacted for additional information and consultation.
In the event of water outage or planned water shut down, all lab work and work with hazardous materials must cease. Due to the inaccessibility of emergency eyewash and shower equipment, laboratory personnel should secure experiments or activities that may present an exposure hazard. Volatile and hazardous materials should be returned to areas where they are normally stored.
Laboratory occupants should ensure that access routes to body showers and eyewash stations are free of obstructions. Laboratory occupants should activate water flow in eyewash stations at least monthly. If problems are noted contact the FM@YourService. Annual testing of body showers are performed by Facilities Management.