The University of Iowa

SAFETYmatters - Changes to the Incident Investigation Process

Starting on February 3, 2020, there will be a change to the incident investigation process for work-related injuries.  Incident investigations are currently completed through a PDF form that is emailed to the individual’s supervisor.  This form will be transitioning to a Workflow form; supervisors will receive a Workflow notification following submission of a First Report of Injury (FROI) by one of their direct reports.  Some of the advantages for using Workflow are that it:

  • Auto populates information from the FROI
  • Streamlines and simplifies the investigation and approval process
  • Stores the information long-term on the UI server

EHS will be providing training on how to use this process.  The dates, times, and locations are listed below.  Anyone can attend these sessions; no reservations are necessary.

Date Time     Location
1/14/2020 9:00 am - 10:00 am     Urmila Sahai Seminar Room - 2117 MERF
1/15/2020 9:00 am - 10:00 am     Iowa Memorial Union - Iowa Theater (Rm 166)
1/16/2020 9:00 am - 10:00 am      Skype Meeting (click to join - Join Skype Meeting 


Training will also be provided to any department upon request.  Send a training request to

In addition, training on the process is also available via ICON course number W526OS.