Article published 03/02/18

Users of Class 3B and 4 lasers are required to complete laser safety training, both initially, and biennially (once every two years) thereafter. The training modules can be found on ICON, and cover the basics of laser light hazards, laser usage requirements, personnel protective equipment, etc… Ideally, initial laser training should be completed prior to using a laser. There are two different laser safety training classes available through ICON, as follows:
Laser Safety – Research (W028RD) – for users of lasers in a research setting and
Laser Safety – UIHC (W036RD) – for users of lasers in medical procedures.
To complete the course, go to the HR-Self Service site and select My Training under Learning and Development. Select Enroll in Courses and type Laser Safety in the yellow “Search” box. Both courses will be displayed. Select “View Details” on the right hand side for the appropriate course and then click on Enroll in Session. At the Table of Contents for this course, click on ‘Modules’, and then ‘Training Module’, which will bring up the slides. After reviewing the slides, click on ‘Modules’ again and select ‘Quiz’, then ‘Take the Quiz’. After completing the quiz, hit ‘Submit Quiz’. Your exam will automatically be graded and added to our records if a score of 80% or better is achieved.
Please contact EHS with questions regarding any laser safety issues.