Article Published 10/31/17
The Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) does not require separate rDNA registration documents for each grant/funding source; a PI may submit a single document which encompasses all research with recombinant and synthetic nucleic acid molecules performed in that laboratory. Furthermore, PIs may wish to combine multiple previously approved rDNA documents into a single document and subsequently archive the multiple documents prior to their expiration date.
A PI can authorize other personnel (proxy) to access, edit/amend, and create new rDNA registration documents in his/her name, by utilizing the Authorizations Manager in eIBC. The proxy will also be copied on all communications sent to the PI through the eIBC. This permission level allows the authorized individual to perform many tasks on the PI’s behalf; however, the PI remains ultimately responsible for all activity performed under the rDNA registration document.
To set up a proxy the PI must log in to eIBC ( using their HawkID and password. Follow the steps below:
- At the top of the page click ‘Authorizations’
- Click ‘Go to Authorizations Manager’; Under ‘Add a New User to rDNARD Authorizations’ put in the HAWKID or last name of the person you are trying to add in the box next to ‘Authorize User’, click on the correct name from the list that appears. Then click ‘Add Authorizations’
- In the next section ‘rDNARD Authorizations’ click on the name of the person you would like to authorize.
- Tick the box in the upper left hand corner: ‘Allow user to act as your proxy, starting new or amending Protocols with yourself as the PI. The user can also copy your Protocols to create a new protocol.’ Then click ‘Save Authorizations’ and then ‘Update Protocol List’
The selected person should now have ‘Proxy’ rights to all protocols. The persons with ‘Proxy’ rights will be listed on the “Authorizations Summary” page near the bottom