Article published 02/27/17

Online Hepatitis B Immunization Survey Replaces the Hepatitis B Vaccination Consent/Declination Form
The OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard requires that all employees who are at risk for exposure to bloodborne pathogens be offered the Hepatitis B vaccination (at no cost to the employee), within 10 working days of initial assignment. Previously, ‘At Risk’ employees completed and submitted a Hepatitis B vaccination (consent/declination) form available through the EHS website. This form has now been replaced with an online Hepatitis B immunization survey, available through UEHC’s patient software, ReadySet. Instructions for creating a ReadySet account, and completing the Hepatitis B survey may be accessed from the EHS website, under “Forms”.
New ‘At Risk’ personnel must complete the Hepatitis B immunization survey in ReadySet, regardless of whether the vaccination is accepted or declined. Any previously completed hepatitis B consent/decline forms that departments or laboratories have maintained must be campus-mailed to UEHC (UEHC, 1097-1 Boyd Tower) for proper vaccination documentation.
All EHS documents such as the Exposure Control Plan template and Bloodborne Pathogen courses have been updated to reflect this change.
Please contact Aswathy Sreedharan, Associate Biosafety Officer at 335-9547 with any questions regarding the BBP program. Please contact UEHC at 356-3631 or by e-mail at with any questions regarding setting up a ReadySet account.