Article published 12/28/16
In your chemical inventory in EHS Assistant, make sure that all items are listed with an appropriate weight or volume unit. Examples of acceptable units are: gram, liter, ounce, pound, etc. Examples of unacceptable units are: unit, bottle, box, each, kit, vials, etc. Please log-in to your chemical inventory account and double-check that all your items are listed appropriately.
It is acceptable to estimate the total volume or weight of an item if the packaging does not tell you that total number and it cannot be found on the vendor’s website. Additionally, you do not need to list the changing weight/volume of the container as you use up the contents. If you have a 500-ml bottle of acetone that is only half full, you should still list the bottle as 500 milliliters.
If you have questions on how to list your chemicals, please contact Jeff Montgomery, 335-7564 (non-research) or Rachelle Justice, 353-4692 (research).