The University of Iowa

Rewards and Recognition Program

Rewards and Recognition for University Faculty, Staff and Students Creating a Strong Culture of Safety

Principal Investigators, laboratory staff, and students should be recognized for demonstrating a constructive and proactive safety culture. EHS has developed a rewards and recognition program to show our commitment in recognizing these individuals.  

Excellence in Safety Award certificate

Recognize an individual here.

Research Lab Eligibility

All laboratories and associated staff that are reviewed by EHS’s Safety Advisor Team are eligible for the awards described below and are automatically evaluated as part of this program. Nominations will also be accepted from the research community for the Individual and Innovation Awards as discussed below.

Criteria for review

  • Performance on annual safety reviews and laboratory safety rounds. Labs with no deficiencies or those with few deficiencies that are corrected will receive favorable ratings.
  • Prompt, appropriate response and implementation of corrective actions, where applicable.
  • Collaboration with EHS and departmental Health & Safety Coordinators to resolve concerns and unsafe conditions. Labs will NOT be penalized for reporting incidents or spills. 
  • Engagement in safety and demonstrating initiative to improve the lab safety culture among lab personnel.
  • Innovations and exceptional performance in safety practices and culture.



Research laboratories will be assessed and rated. Up to 10 labs will be recognized for their Excellence in Safety with one lab receiving the Top Prize for outstanding performance among the recognized labs. Safety advisors will submit nominations to the Laboratory Safety Committee in March from the prior calendar year; the committee will choose award winners with announcements made in the spring semester.

All awarded laboratories will receive the following:

  • Article published in the Office of the Vice President for Research Newsletter and EHS’s SAFETYmatters; the article will be submitted to other news outlets for consideration.
  • Excellence in Safety certificate.

Recognized laboratories and winners are listed on the EHS’s Safety Awards page.



A formal recognition award will be issued to laboratory safety leaders through a nomination and selection process. Submission of the Individual Nomination Form and a description of how the individual’s actions have positively impacted laboratory safety is required. Nominations will be accepted on a continuing basis. The Laboratory Safety Committee will choose award winners at the end of each term (spring, summer, and fall) with announcements made shortly thereafter.

Each recognized individual will be provided an Excellence in Safety certificate.  Recognized individuals are listed on the EHS’s Safety Awards page.


Innovation in Safety

This award is to recognize individuals in the University of Iowa community for their innovations in safety and dedication to the safe conduct in research, teaching, or other campus work.  The innovation should significantly improve campus safety and be sustainable and potentially scalable (i.e., new process that could be used across campus).  Up to one award will be made annually in each of two categories: student and faculty/staff.  Details about the award and nomination process is available on the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) website.

Recipients will receive a $1,000 cash prize and a commemorative gift.  Recipients will be recognized formally at the Celebrating Excellence: The University of Iowa Discovery & Innovation Awards Ceremony that highlights research and innovation achievements and on the OVPR’s Dare to Discover – Research Awards & Recognition page.

Recipients and a short description of the innovation are listed on the EHS’s Safety Innovation Awards page.