The University of Iowa

Fume Hood Maintenance List

Environmental Health & Safety checks airflow performance of all campus fume hoods annually. If a fume hood needs adjustment, EHS submits a work request to FM Work Control Center (WCC). Maintenance should contact EHS after adjustments or repairs are completed. EHS then rechecks airflow performance. Most hoods are successfully adjusted after one attempt. Occasionally, further maintenance is needed. Once notified, EHS rechecks hood performance after additional maintenance is completed.

The list below shows only those fume hoods that required adjustments. The table will be updated as information becomes available. Repaired hoods will remain on the list for approximately one month after the final retest is completed.

Table Key: FM Request, 2nd Request, etc.

Date EHS submitted work request to FM WCC.

Table Key: Results

Failed- Airflow was below EHS target of 100-120 fpm. Do not use until repaired.                                             Restricted- Airflow is outside EHS target parameters. May be used for minimal hazard materials.

For questions regarding hood use, contact EHS at 335-8501 or

For repair status updates, contact FM WCC at 335-5071 or

Hood ID
Work Order #
FM Request
Initial Result
2nd FM Request
Retest Result
3rd FM Request
Retest Result
4th FM Request
Retest Result
CB W275B 19-608336 2/15/19 Restricted            
TH 26A 19-595335 10/25/18 Restricted 1/25/19 Pass